If I Knew Memory*Online Trials*Daily Quiz*Various intelligence activities*Memory improvement*Matching pictures*Learning English words with pictures*Understanding the logic of coding with letters*Learning antonyms*Learning synonymsDaily QuizSeparate quiz competitions are held for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade students.Dont you want to improve your memory?***Can you memorize the location of objects that disappear after appearing for a certain period of time and find them in closed boxes?***Game of finding the same pictures (match) in time... ***An application that teaches 50 English words by matching pictures and their English equivalents...***Coding with letters improves the ability to decode.***Teaches the OPPOSITE meanings of words...Teaches the synonyms of words...***Finally, we find it useful to say that regular mental exercise has been proven to strengthen memory and prevent forgetfulness!***Are you ready to strengthen your intelligence?